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TagTuner tags mp3 files faster

TagTuner tags mp3 files faster and easier. TagTuner tags mp3 files in two ways showing both speed and comfort, you can complete your music files manually with built-in tag editor or using Internet search feature to find album information, original CD cover, then write all this as mp3 tags and rename files at the same time.

Getting tags for mp3 files with Internet album information search

tags mp3 files in two ways

You can skip the manual tags editing with TagTuner search feature. For your convenience the album tags search can be performed in two different ways. The first method can be usefull when one folder contains tracks from only one mp3 album. In this case you do not have to select any files, simply click Tools | Find Album Info | Entire Folder or press F3 shortcut key. But if the folder holds tracks from some other mp3 albums you will have to select files from only one album you want to fill with tags and click Tools | Find Album Info | Selected Files or press Ctrl+F3.

The search dialog that appears will try to connect to the TagTuner server. If the attempt will be successful the dialog will offer you several found albums resembling your requirements. Pick out one of them to see the title, album cover artwork, song names, and genre before TagTuner tags your mp3 files.

Simultaneously you are free to rename the song names by clicking the Rename Files by Template checkbox, and change the tag case, all you have to do is click the Tag Case button and choose one of the modes for automatic conversion.

After that, when everithing is set you simply click the Write button to save the received tags into the mp3 files you have selected.

Editing tags for mp3 files with Tag Editor

TagTuner also tags mp3 files with the help of the built-in tag editor. The tagging has never been easear - you just select the files you want to fill with tags, edit tags inside the tag editor and save the results. To learn more about Tag Editor hereā€¦

At the same time you can edit tags right in TagTuner File Browser as well as in Playlist while listening to your music files. To learn more about editing media file tags, please see the online help.

We hope that TagTuner will help you in saving your time and organizing your music collection.